Analytic Reflection of Sci Tech Blog

For this assignment, I chose to write about the white paper on New Ruralism. I chose this genre sample because I'm from a small, rural town and I felt like I could most easily connect to this idea more than any of the others. (Yes, it's shockingly true – I, a stressed-to-the-max college student, connected more with farming than binge drinking!)

I asserted throughout my blog that New Ruralism would help make America healthier. This was mentioned in the white paper, and I drew on this idea and expanded it a bit. Although it is definitely considered a positive consequence of New Ruralism in the white paper, it was merely touched on. Believing that it was worth more than that brief mention, I wanted to expand on it in my blog because I feel that it is one of the most important factors to be considered in the concept of New Ruralism.

I began my blog from a stasis of definition so that readers would understand what New Ruralism is. Then, I shifted to a stasis of value because I believe that New Ruralism is something that would ultimately help our nation become stronger in the ways that really matter. "In addition to being a scheme of invention, the stases can also be regarded as a format for the arrangement of arguments, and thus a corollary principle of rhetorical analysis," (Fahnestock & Secor, pg. 429). Working mainly in a stasis of value guides my argument and lets the reader know that I believe in this theory and am willing to back it up.

I chose to include two other sources in my blog: and the CPI Biotech Manual. I included these sources as one to back up my theory and one to refute. In Bazerman's article on Intertextuality, he says, “Through such relations a text evokes a representation of the discourse situation, the textual resources that bear on the situation, and how the current text positions itself and draws on other texts,” (pg. 86). is the source which helped my theory. It helps represent where I'm coming from. The Biotech Manual shows opposition to my theory and thus shows how I position myself.

The stasis in which I wrote and the intertext which I included in my blog actually reinforce each other. Including text from reflects how I feel about this concept, as does my stasis of value. The opposition from the Biotech Manual asserts my position, as does my stasis of value.

Though this blog was completely out of my realm of knowledge and comfort, I came at it with a winner's attitude and didn't let my dislike or discomfort defeat me.

Works Cited

Bazerman, Charles. "Intertextuality: How Texts Rely on Other Texts'." 83-94. Print. <>.

Fahnestock, Jeanne, and Marie Secor. "The Stases in Scientific and Literary Argument." Written Communication. 5.4 (1988): 427-443. Print. <>.


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